Donde vivian los Shoshone?

¿Dónde vivían los Shoshone?

Localización. Vivían entre Montana e Idaho y llegaban al SE de California, centro y este de Nevada, NO de Utah, Sur de Idaho y Oeste de Wyoming.

¿Qué cazaban los shoshones?

Shoshones del Oeste No tenían organización tribal y se dividían en familias afiliadas muy lejanamente. Cada familia era nómada e independiente a lo largo del año, y sólo se unía a las otras durante un tiempo para llevar conejos, cazar antílopes o bailar. En la árida región oeste el Gran Lago Salado, Utah.

What religion did the Shoshone believe in?


  • Christianity.
  • Confucianism.
  • Daoism.
  • Hinduism.
  • Indigenous Religions (North America)
  • Islam.
  • Judaism.
  • What were the Shoshone Indian’s religious beliefs?

    Sutteeism,which is the belief of self-immolation

  • Duma Appah,»Our father» or «The Creator»
  • The Sun Dance was a dance that they did because they thought it was the renewal of spiritual birth
  • During the spring and fall,representatives from all clans gathered,it was a spiritual gathering and a decision making
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    What were the Shoshone beliefs?

    The Shoshone people were greatly connected to their land. They respect the native plants and animals and appreciate the land in which they live on. They believe that every plant and animal as well as the land itself has a living spirit and that the plants, animals and people maintain a relationship.

    What are the Shoshone Indians’ traditions?

    Shoshone Indians engaged in a variety of dances and ceremonies. Major dances with religious themes included the Round Dance, the Father Dance, and the Sun Dance. The Round Dance was performed when food was plentiful or as part of an annual mourning ceremony. The Father Dance paid tribute to the creator and asked him to keep the people healthy.