Como citar correctamente Harvard?

¿Cómo citar correctamente Harvard?

Apellido(s), inicial(es). (año). “Título del artículo”. Titulo de la revista en cursiva, volumen de la revista(número de la parte entre paréntesis), número(s) de página(s) precedidas de la abreviatura pp. Disponible en: URL [Consultado día-mes-año].

¿Qué es Harvard Deusto?

Harvard Deusto Business Research es una revista científica de acceso abierto que publica artículos de naturaleza tanto teórica como empírica. La publicación es semestral, en línea y en formato de acceso abierto. Así contribuimos a una mayor difusión y avance del conocimiento científico.

How do I cite a Harvard Business Review case study?

FAQ: How do I cite a Harvard Business Review case study in APA style? When citing case studies in APA style you’ll want to include the typical citation elements and apply general formatting guidelines.

How do I reference a Harvard paper?

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You are encouraged to track down the original source – usually this is possible to do by consulting the author’s reference list – but if you are unable to access it, the Harvard referencing guidelines state that you must only cite the source you did consult as you did not actually read the original document.

What is the Harvard citation style?

The Harvard citation style is a system that students, writers and researchers can use to incorporate other people’s quotes, findings and ideas into their work in order to support and validate their conclusions without breaching any intellectual property laws. The popular format is typically used in assignments and publications for humanities as

How do I create and edit Harvard citations?

Create a free account to add and edit each Harvard citation on the spot, import and export full projects or individual entries. Things get even easier with Cite This For Me for Chrome – an intuitive, handy browser extension that allows you to create and edit a citation while you browse the web.

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